The lunchbox is so much more than just an everyday item. The lunchbox is a means of safely housing a meal needed to sustain us for our work day. It is one of those few objects that gives us reason to smile because it unlocks a little treasure trove of culinary delights.

Our children at the Rajkumar kitchen have been fed throughout lockdown and the operation continues. It is quite common for people to come with their own containers to feeding programs, especially soup kitchens and others alike. However, what is not known to many is the challenge faced by kitchens in terms of distributing food to children. It is impossible to explain to a little child that they are getting the exact same portion as the other children because they are unable to comprehend the meal portion in relation to the size of container they bring along. This is not to say that the children are asking this question. It’s more about their expressions that give their thoughts away. With so many children to feed within a time frame, food has to be distributed efficiently but we never want these sweet, innocent children to leave thinking that they are less loved.

We chose to respond to this challenge through the acquisition of standardized lunch boxes for every child. So every child knows that they are treated fairly. So every child never doubts that they are loved just as much as the others.

At Rajkumar kitchen, 150 children are fed breakfast and lunch daily. We Care Mother Africa is immensely grateful to Kevin and his amazing team at GPS Plastics, for partnering with us to reiterate to our children just how much they are loved.

A massive THANK YOU to Kevin, Sindy and the fantastic team at GPS Plastics for their generous donation of 150 exceptional quality lunch boxes, which they manufactured especially for our children.

We Care Mother Africa