Welbedacht East in Chatsworth is plagued by poverty, crime, drug abuse, and a significant rate of communicable diseases. In this harsh landscape, there are organizations such as Phumula Children’s Care Village, that represent a beacon of hope for the biggest victims of the multitude of social ills-the children, youth and the elderly. Reverend Siva and Pastor Rani have dedicated their lives to protecting and empowering the orphans in their care, and the vulnerable women who have lost their children to illness, drugs or crime, and who have become the guardians of their grandchildren. This amazing couple have run an orphanage for 20 years. Currently, they care for 26 children. They operate an ECD that has 100 children enrolled, with a no-fee policy because they recognized nearly two decades ago that parents simply did not have the funds to send their children to an early education centre. Children that have been through the orphanage and are now at tertiary institutes, still have a place to call home in the form of the “Hog House.” Prior to the national lockdown, some women in the community were also assisted at the skills centre through arts and crafts courses, aimed at job creation. Through their Gogo Initiative, the centre provides female-headed households with food parcels. Over and above all of this, the care center’s two kitchens feed up to 250 children from the community on a daily basis.

The onset of #COVID-19 has put much strain on the Centre, so much so, that they were forced to temporarily close their kitchens serving the children from the community. And we say “temporarily” with much joy because we recently partnered with the Centre, and within a few days of doing so, Pick Ń Pay Hyper By the Sea Durban North, came on board to reopen the kitchens to the children.

♡We are honoured to be working with Rev. & Pastor Moodley.
♡We take our hats off to Rowena and her team at Pick n Pay Hyper for coming on board without hesitation.
♡From Phumula Childrens Centre and WCMA, we say a heartfelt THANK YOU to every customer that donated in store to “Feed the Nation.” Your donations have enabled the kitchen to operate for the next five weeks. Furthermore, the Centre was able to add donated products to 30 of their food hampers.
♡We also say a BIG THANK YOU to our donor, a kind-hearted gentleman who wishes to remain anonymous, and whose generosity enabled us to add more value to the kitchens over this five week period.

Provisions supplied by Pick n Pay Hyper Durban North:
♡255kg Maize Meal
♡263kg Rice
♡3.5kg Pasta
♡2.5kg Samp
♡1.5kg Samp & Beans
♡1.5kg Sugar Beans
♡13kg Cake Flour
♡40kg Baked Beans
♡17kg Canned Pilchards
♡2.8kg Canned Veg
♡12 tins Corned Meat
♡4kg Porridge
♡4kg Soup Packets
♡41 boxes dry spice
♡1.2kg Peanut Butter
♡Coffee Creamer
♡Long Life Milk
♡2x PnP Relief Hampers
♡Toilet Rolls
♡Sanitary Pads
♡13x Beauty Soap
♡11x Body Wash
♡18x Disinfectant Cleaners

WCMA thanks our generous donor for:
♡40kg Cake Flour
♡20kg Sugar Beans
♡15Ltr Sunflower Oil
♡3kg Salt
♡18Ltr Milk
♡Teabags (200s)

If you would like to be part of this worthy project, please contact us.

We Care Mother Africa
Pick n Pay