Every person has a right to adequate access to food. Yet, this right is far from realization for millions of people going to bed hungry every day. In this most tragic reality, there are organisations such as FoodforLife (FFL), who represent a ray of hope to thousands of people. The organization’s KZN affiliate, with its Head Office in Merebank, distributes approximately 5000 hot, freshly prepared and nutritious vegetarian meals, daily, to indigent communities in Durban and surrounding areas. We Care Mother Africa is honoured to be associated with the wonderful people who work tirelessly to fulfill the mission of FFL. #COVID-19 has produced an unprecedented increase in the number of people desperately needing food. We Care Mother Africa stepped in to assist FFL respond to these requests.
We say a heartfelt THANK YOU to Mrs M Naidoo, all the way in Dubai, for making this possible, and for honoring her dad, Mr Runga Reddy, in the best possible way. Mr Reddy was a well-loved member of his community in Merebank, and Mrs Naidoo, having spent most of her life in Merebank, wanted to give back to the community.
We are also very grateful to Mrs Nishi Moodley, from Singapore, for her generous contribution to this project. It means the world to us to receive so much love from our supporters in different parts of the globe.
Through this project, 900 deserving people received meals in the Merebank area.
Mrs Naidoo, thank you for your donation:
♡36kg carrots
♡10kg peas
♡10kg sugar beans
♡4kg tomato puree
♡10kg salt
♡20kg margarine
♡20Ltr sunflower oil
♡42kg pasta
♡54kg rice
Mrs Nishi Moodley, thank you for your donation of:
♡96kg potatoes
♡10kg yellow dhall