Bread for sustenance..

It’s true that a person can survive on bread and water for a short period of time BUT it’s also true that this basic commodity is often unaffordable by poor households and feeding programmes because of the quantity needed to sustain a household or feed the large numbers of people who depend on that all-important ONE meal for the day.

East Coast Lions recently partnered with We Care Mother Africa (WCMA) and gave us an opportunity to be a part of their wonderful BB Bread Project. Through this partnership, WCMA can ensure that its orphanages, soup kitchens snd other feeding programmes, in KZN, receive a week’s worth of freshly baked bread loaves for their operation. Thus far we have had two weeks of distributions. Here’s to many more!!!

Thank you East Coast Lions Club for such a valuable partnership that is bringing relief to hundreds of people in our network alone🙏

Week One:
♡310 loaves distributed
Week Two:
♡380 loaves distributed
