Our final week of distributions for March was a success, thanks to the generous support WCMA received from the Zimbali Charity Fund (ZCF).
Fifty-six food parcels were distributed to struggling families in Groutville (20), Shakashead (15), Melville (15), and Buffelsdale, Tongaat (6). We are grateful to our school network for opening their doors to us, to facilitate the safe and efficient distribution of food parcels, whilst upholding the dignity of our beneficiaries.
The stories we are sharing, speak to the struggle of families as they attempt to manage their households, and care for their children. At every distribution, there were smiles, and sincere gratitude for our essential food parcels. Our heartfelt thanks to ZCF and every donor for working with us to produce another successful distribution🙏🏼
Sole breadwinners, Ms D, a mother of 2, and Ms M, both worked for AIDS SA. They were retrenched in November 2020. They are hopeful of securing employment this year. In the interim, they are selling beauty and home products to generate a nominal income. Ms D also started a small vegetable garden but is limited due to a lack of space.
Ms M, a mother of three, was a domestic worker, and she lost her job at the start of the lockdown. She has applied for many jobs thereafter. She is surviving on 2 Child Support Grants (CSG). Purchasing school uniforms this year was a struggle.
Ms N is a single mother with two children. Since finishing school, she has only managed to secure piecemeal work. She also receives some financial assistance from her children’s father (his casual jobs), and 2 CSGs. She remains hopeful that some opportunities will arise so she can afford her family a better life.
Mr N is employed, part time, at a private landscaping and gardens services company that operates in Zimbali Eco Estate. He is the sole breadwinner in a household of 6. He struggles to meet all the household needs in a month because his 4 children, born in SA, do not qualify for a CSG, as he is a foreign national.
We Care Mother Africa