An Indomitable Cook and her fight to curb hunger at the Thuthukani Informal Settlement
Today, we share the story of Annette Ponen. Mrs Ponen and her husband are long-time residents of Seatides (KZN). Their neighbours are the 300 residents of the Thuthukani Informal Settlement. This is a community that waited until 2016 to receive a few toilets and showers with running water. They have difficult lives and COVID-19 has exacerbated the hardships they endure. Mrs Ponen could not stand to see the extent of deprivation her neighbours endured. She took swift action, obtained the necessary permits, and started her soup kitchen in 2019, which she ran twice a week, up until the onset of COVID-19. Since then, she and her dedicated team of cooks have prepared lunch every day of the week. This selfless act has ensured that all 300 residents of Thuthukani Informal Settlement get a meal every day. Her love for her community is admirable. She goes to the extent of trying her best to secure sweets for the children in order to encourage them to wear masks because social distancing practices are nearly impossible to maintain in informal settlements. We are honoured to be associated with such a noble woman.
We are elated to share that the Pick n Pay Ackerman Foundation came on board and generously donated to Mrs Ponen’s kitchen. Thank you PnP for partnering with WCMA again, and adding immense value to Mrs Ponen’s feeding program. The masks may hide it but our eyes should give you a glimpse of our excitement and gratitude as we leave PnP Crescent.
Some items on this week’s menu:
♡chicken curry & rice
♡tinned fish curry & rice
♡vegetable biryani
Provisions donated:
♡50kg Rice
♡15Ltr Sunflower Oil
♡38kg Vegetables
♡30 cans Pilchards
♡20kg Chicken
Pick n Pay
We Care Mother Africa