What is it to have grit?
‘Grit,’ simply defined, is strength of character. We should all aspire to have this quality. When times are tough, we may choose to give up because we feel that all the cards are stacked against us. But there’s always those extraordinary ones who refuse to do so, no matter how much adversity they face.

Pictured with me is a group of girls-matriculants-who serve as an example of what it means to have grit. Their journey has been arduous but they are committed to their education and to having a successful life. All they need is people to continue believing in them and to support them in their journey. We Care Mother Africa stepped in with a modest show of support viz. a stationery pack and sanitary pads to cover the girls for the remainder of their matric year. We are so humbled by the immense show of gratitude from the girls and the school.

With your help we can do so much more for the poorest children at the school. We will be assisting 120 children. They are severely resource-deprived, to the extent that they look forward to having half to one full sandwich on three days and a very small portion of vegetable biryani on 2 days, at school. This is due to the generosity of 2 community faith-based organizations.

Our aim is to improve the basic hygiene and nutritional levels of these children so that they can reach their full potential at school and break the cycle of poverty. Please contact us if you would like to get involved: info@wecaremotherafrica.org / 0721478959. No donation is too small. For cash donations, please use the reference: FHS-KZN and your contact details (optional).

#keepachildinschool #endhunger #endpoverty #healthycommunities #donate #wecaremotherafrica.org