BB Bakeries and Singh’s Mutton Market continue to help us alleviate #foodinsecurity

Our feeding programs in #periurban and #ruralcommunities in the Northern parts of KZN, continue to be supported by our strategic partners and donors. We Care Mother Africa is thankful for their belief in our ability to make a difference. THANK YOU BB Bakeries and Singh’s Mutton Market for your life-saving contributions🙏🏼

Singhs Mutton Market:
♡20kg of lamb trotters to our feeding program in Lindelani, where our formidable Rose Zwane manages Safe Haven for Children and the Elderly, and supports the children of the community with a daily meal.


Our partnership with BB Bakeries and East Coast Lions has brought immense financial relief to our feeding programs in some of our north coast communities. It is of paramount importance for We Care Mother Africa to support these programs and ensure that they remain operational because they prevent hundreds of children from going hungry, on a daily basis.

BB Bakeries
Week One:♡310 loaves
Week Two:♡380 loaves
Week Three:♡388 loaves
Week Four, First Leg:♡400 loaves
Week Four, Second Leg:♡235 loaves
Week Five♡320 loaves + 348 squares
Week Six♡172 loaves♡600 BB Squares
Week Seven♡400 loaves
Week Eight ♡300 loaves

Week 9 ♡367 loaves
Week 10 ♡327 loaves
Week 11 ♡400 loaves
Week 11 ♡200 loaves to boost our meals on wheels program in Clermont
Week 12 ♡200 loaves

Sharing some beautiful moments with you.

We Care Mother Africa
Singh’s Mutton Market
East Coast Lions