10 families breathed a sigh of relief when they learned that they would be given food hampers through the generosity of Pick n Pay “Feed the Nation” campaign, and the customers of Pick n Pay Pavilion. These families are predominantly from the Lusaka informal Settlement in Moorton, Chatsworth. To date, this landscape is riddled with abject poverty. People are forced to live in squalor. The relief on the recipients faces (especially the 3 Muslim families) when they were handed their hampers on Eid, was humbling for different reasons. Firstly, there was an overwhelming show of gratitude, but when the cameras came out, it became clear that a few families could not escape the sense of shame which is so often attached to being poor. So, despite the many smiles that were captured, in the interests of fairness and respect for the beneficiaries’ sense of dignity, we opted to blot their faces. No one should have to feel ashamed for facing really tough times.

Thank you, Mr Danny Govender and team at the Goodlife Foundation for working so hard to ease the burden of impoverished communities in Durban and surrounding areas.

A heartfelt thank you to “Feed the Nation,” and every customer that donated in-store. Through your generosity, we produced 10 hampers, each containing:
10kg maize meal
2kg rice
2.5kg sugar
1kg pasta
2Ltr Oil

It doesn’t end there because this week, we are distributing the balance of your generous donation through another project (details to follow in the week):
25kg of pasta
20kg of sugar
14kg of rice

We Care Mother Africa