(herein referred to as “WCMA”)

Policy for the Promotion of Ethical Conduct

WCMA’s policy is to uphold the highest legal, ethical, and moral standards. Our donors and volunteers support WCMA because they trust us to be good stewards of their resources, and to uphold rigorous standards of conduct. Our reputation for integrity and excellence requires the careful observance of all applicable laws and regulations, as well as a scrupulous regard for the highest standards of conduct and personal integrity.

WCMA will comply with all applicable laws and regulations and expects its directors, officers, and employees to conduct business in accordance with the letter and spirit of all relevant laws; to refrain from any illegal, dishonest, or unethical conduct; to act in a professional, businesslike manner; and to treat others with respect. Directors and officers should not use their positions to obtain unreasonable or excessive services or expertise from WCMA’s staff.

In general, the use of good judgment based on high ethical principles will guide directors, officers, and employees with respect to lines of acceptable conduct. However, if a situation arises where it is difficult to determine the proper course of conduct, or where questions arise concerning the propriety of certain conduct by an individual or others, the matter should be brought to the attention of WCMA. Employees should contact their immediate supervisor and, if necessary, the director of human resources. Board members should raise any such concerns with the chair or the treasurer of WCMA’s board.

In all questions involving ethics and conduct, the board will make relevant determinations, except that any individual whose conduct is at issue will not participate in such decisions.


Core Principle

As WCMA, we must maintain a high level of trust with our stakeholders. We must protect the interests of our stakeholders as well as our professional integrity and should not engage in activities that create actual, apparent, or potential conflicts of interest.


Respect for the communities we work with and serve. Integrity in our actions. Responsibility for our decisions and their consequences. WCMA solicitation of funds from the public or from donor institutions uses material that is truthful about the organization. WCMA respects the privacy concerns of individual donors and expends funds consistent with donor intent. WCMA discloses important and relevant information to potential donors.


In raising funds from the public, WCMA will respect the rights of donors, as follows:

Donors will be informed of the mission of WCMA, the way the resources will be used, and their capacity to use donations effectively for their intended purpose. Further, they will

  • Be informed of the identity of those serving on WCMA’s governing board and to expect the board to exercise prudent judgment in its stewardship responsibilities
  • Have access to WCMA’s most recent financial reports
  • Be assured their gifts will be used for purposes for which they are given
  • Receive appropriate acknowledgment and recognition
  • Be assured that information about their donations is handled with respect and with confidentiality to the extent provided by law
  • Be approached in a professional manner
  • Be informed whether those seeking donations are volunteers, employees of WCMA, or hired solicitors
  • Have the opportunity for their names to be deleted from mailing lists that WCMA may intend to share
  • Be encouraged to ask questions when making a donation and to receive prompt, truthful, and forthright answers.